By the early 2000s, an open-air labor market had developed in Jupiter along Center Street and the surrounding areas. Hundreds of day laborers, primarily Mayan immigrants from Guatemala and southern Mexico, would congregate daily in an unorganized outdoor market where employers picked them up for work. Neighbors complained to town officials about traffic safety, loitering, and a perceived drop in real estate value. Moreover, Laborers were subject to wage theft, unsafe work environments, and abuse. As tensions escalated, a group of residents, immigrants, faith-based groups, and university and town officials came together to address the problem. In 2006, a grassroots, public/private coalition created a 501(c)3 nonprofit – El Sol, Jupiter’s Neighborhood Resource Center. El Sol aimed to improve the quality of life for the residents of Jupiter and surrounding communities by providing services primarily to day laborers, their children and families. Initially, El Sol focused on providing a safe and organized labor center where workers were protected from abuses and employers could hire day laborers in a safe and controlled environment. Over the years, El Sol has grown to meet the needs of the community by providing services in seven different program areas: Labor, Adult Education, Health, Community Life, Legal, Food and Nutrition, and Youth Development.
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life for the community of Jupiter by providing labor, education, community health, food and nutrition, and youth services to day laborers and their families.
El Sol envisions a harmonious integrated community in which all people can reach their potential. We see Jupiter as a model for other communities.
Integrity – we communicate and operate with transparency and honesty to hold ourselves accountable and maintain the community’s trust.
Responsible Stewardship – we prudently manage all human and financial resources invested in us.
Respect for Others – we embrace each other’s differences and nurture an environment of fairness and equality.
Immigrant Integration – we foster the integration of immigrants into the entire community and promote mutual understanding of people from different backgrounds and cultures.
our value proposition
To serve Jupiter’s most vulnerable residents by empowering them with the tools to thrive.